About CSU


Doctrinal Position

Chong Shin's Foundation throughout its history has been the absolute authority of the infallible and inerrant Scriptures.

The Chong Shin's board of trustees and faculty pledge their commitment to those which have been the doctrinal bond of fellowship for churches of Reformed persuasion for more than three centuries: The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms, the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort. Copies of the Westminster Confessions are available from the Office of Admissions.

The school's constitution prescribes the following pledge for every voting member of the faculty: "In the presence of God, and the Trustees and Faculty of this seminary, I do solemnly and ex animo adopt, receive, and subscribe to the confessional standards of the seminary as the confession of my faith, or as a summary and just exhibition of the system of doctrine and religious belief which is contained in Holy Scripture, and therein revealed by God to man for his salvation; and I do solemnly, ex animo, profess to receive the fundamental principles of the Presbyterian form of church government, as agreeable to the inspired oracles. And I do solemnly promise and engage not to inculcate or insinuate anything which shall contradict or contravene, either directly or impliedly, any element of the system of doctrine, nor to oppose any of the fundamental principles of the form of church government, while I continue a member of the faculty in this seminary."

This doctrinal pledge is not required of Chong Shin's students, who come from diverse theological backgrounds and are encouraged by the faculty to exercise discernment by honestly evaluation view- points and argumentation in the light of God's Word.

While the members of the faculty are committed to expound and defend biblical Christianity as defined in the Westminster confessions of Faith and Catechisms, the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic confession and Canons of Dort, they seek in their courses fairly and accurately to present, explain, and analyze different religious and theological views. Their goal is to cultivate a community in which differences of deeply held convictions are discussed with civility and mutual respect, in which dialogue is characterized by accurate description and calm persuasion, and in which every human viewpoint is tested in the light of God's Word.

First. God-Centered Faith

We reject humanistic faith which prevails today, and we claim only the priority of God. We praise and obey to God under lighting of God's sovereignty.

Second. Bible-Centered Faith

We confess that our faith is based on the Holy Bible which is the Words of God, and confess the infallible Bible is the only laws for us to perform our duty. We rely on the Bible as the Word of Jesus Christ when both teaching and living.

Third. Faith of Reformation

The glorious inheritance of Pyongyang Theological Seminary is God's sovereignty to save us by the blood of Jesus Christ, We proclaim that we protect that faith of Reformism and inherit it to the following generations. We want the richness of reformed theology to be declared throughout the world. Now we are building our future on the foundation of the past.

Fourth. Pastoral Faith

We do not pursue the meaningless faith at the ivory tower (school). We should be trained as evangelists, church leaders, Christian educators, administrators, and pastor in love of Jesus Christ and his power even though we are all travelers and pilgrims in the world of today, and become evangelists to glory Christ.